How to delete a comment on instagram post l Ig delete comment 2024

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How to delete a comment on Instagram post

here are the steps to delete a comment on an Instagram post:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to the post where the comment you want to delete is located.
  3. Find the comment you want to delete.

delete instagram comment

4. Tap and hold on the comment. Click the three dots (….) A menu should appear.

how to delete a comment on instagram

5. Select Delete from the menu options.

delete ig comments

6. Confirm the delete option.

That’s it, the comment should now be deleted from the post.

How to delete a comment on Instagram post on iPhone

Here’s how to delete a remark on an Instagram post with an iPhone:

1. Launch the Instagram application on your iPhone.
2. Go to the post with the comment you want to delete.
3. Find the comment you want to remove.
4. Swipe left on the comment you wish to delete. This action displays a trash can icon (🗑).
5. Tap the garbage can symbol.
6. Tap “Delete” to confirm the deletion.

Following these procedures, you will learn on how to delete my comment on instagram on iphone the remark on the Instagram post should be effectively erased, mentioned in the above process.

Why can’t i delete my comment on instagram

If you’re having trouble deleting your Instagram comment, there could be a couple of reasons:

  1. Permissions: Confirm that you have the appropriate permissions to delete comments on the article. If it is not your article, the owner may have set restrictions on who can delete comments.
  2. Technical Glitch: Instagram occasionally has technical glitches that prohibit you from removing comments. In this scenario, restart the app or log out and then back in.
  3. Internet Connection: Ensure that you have a reliable internet connection. Poor connectivity may keep the comment from being erased.
  4. App Version: Make sure you are using the most recent version of the Instagram app. Older versions may include problems or limitations.
  5. Account Restrictions: If your account is restricted or certain settings are enabled, you may be unable to delete comments. Check your account’s settings for any restrictions.

If none of these reasons apply and you are still unable to delete your comment, you should contact Instagram support for more assistance.

How to delete my comment on someone’s instagram post

To remove your comment from someone else’s Instagram post, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram application on your mobile device.
2. Go to the post where your remark is located.
3. Find the comment you wish to delete.
4. Tap and hold your comment. This action should display a menu.
5. Choose Delete from the menu selections.
6. If prompted, confirm the deletion.

Once confirmed, your comment will be removed from the post.

How to delete a comment on instagram post on phone

To remove a remark on an Instagram post from your phone, whether it’s an iPhone or an Android smartphone, follow these steps:

1.Open the Instagram application on your phone.
2. Go to the post where the comment is located.
3. Locate the comment you wish to delete.
4. Tap and hold on a comment. On some smartphones, you may need to swipe left on the comment rather than tap and hold.
5. You should see a menu with options.
6. Choose Delete from the menu.
7. If prompted, confirm the deletion.

After confirmation, delete the remark from the post.

How to delete comment from instagram

Instagram is a thriving social networking site where users interact by like, commenting, and sharing. However, there may be times when you need to delete a remark, whether to correct a mistake, remove objectionable content, or just manage your online reputation and know more about how to delete a comment on instagram post. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to erase comments on Instagram.

To delete an Instagram comment, whether it’s yours or someone else’s, follow these steps:

1. Launch the Instagram application on your device.
2. Go to the post with the comment you want to delete.
3. Find the comment you want to remove.
4. Tap the comment to open it.
5. Look for the three dots (…) that appear next to the comment.
6. Tap the three dots to display a menu of alternatives.
7. Choose Delete from the menu.
8. If prompted, confirm the deletion.

Following confirmation, the remark will be removed from the post.

Full Explanation on how to delete comment from instagram post:

To begin, open the Instagram app on your mobile device and click to the post that contains the comment you want to remove. Once you’ve discovered the comment, press it to view it in full. Look for the three dots (…) next to the comment; these provide other alternatives. Tap the dots to show a menu of options.

From the menu, select Delete. Instagram will ask you to confirm the deletion to ensure you’re sure you want to remove the comment. Confirm your option, and the remark will be promptly removed from the post, disappearing from public view.

Deleting comments on Instagram is a simple process that gives users full control over their material and interactions. Whether you’re managing your own comments or regulating debates on your posts, how to delete ig comments learning how to delete comments allows users to effectively regulate their online experience. By following these basic steps, you may browse Instagram’s UI with confidence, ensuring that your interactions are consistent with your online identity.

How to delete instagram comment on other post

To remove an Instagram comment from someone else’s post, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram application on your mobile device.
  2. Go to the post with the comment you want to delete. You can do this by scrolling through your feed or searching for the user’s profile and then finding the post.
  3. Once you’ve located the post, touch on the remark you wish to delete to reveal it.
  4. Next to the comment, you’ll see three dots (…) or a trash can icon (🗑️), depending on your device and Instagram version. Tap on the dots or icons.
  5. A menu will display, with numerous possibilities. Choose Delete from the menu.
  6. Instagram will prompt you to confirm the deletion. To confirm, tap Delete again.

Following confirmation, the remark will be removed from the post. Remember that you can only delete your own comments on other users’ posts; comments made by other users cannot be deleted unless they are on your own post.

What happens when you delete a comment on instagram

When you delete an Instagram comment, a few things happen:

  1. Immediate Removal: The comment is removed from public display on the original post. This implies that other people will no longer see the remark when they read the post.
  2. Notification: If the comment you removed was in response to someone else’s comment, the user who made the initial comment may receive a notification that their reply has been deleted.
  3. No Trace: Once deleted, the comment is effectively removed from public view. However, it’s worth noting that Instagram may still keep a record of the removed comment for moderation purposes.
  4. No Interaction: Any likes, responses, or mentions related with the deleted remark will likewise be removed. For example, if someone liked the comment before it was deleted, their like will be deleted alongside the comment.
    No impact on other users: Deleting your remark does not alert other users or limit their ability to interact with the article in any way. It’s a personal activity that only affects your own comment’s exposure.

Overall, removing a remark on Instagram is a method to manage your own content and interactions, giving you control over your online presence and the conversations that surround your posts.

How to delete someone’s comment on instagram

You can only delete someone else’s Instagram remark if it is on your own post. Take these steps:

1. Launch the Instagram application on your mobile device.
2. Go to the post with the comment you want to delete.
3. Tap on the comment to view it in full.
4. Next to the comment, you’ll see three dots (…) or a trash can icon (🗑️), depending on your device and Instagram version. Tap on the dots or icons.
5. A menu will display, with numerous possibilities. Choose Delete from the menu.
6. Instagram will prompt you to confirm the deletion. To confirm, tap Delete again.

After confirmation, the remark left by someone else will be removed from your post and how to delete someone’s comment on instagram post. Remember that you cannot delete comments left by other users on posts that are not your own.

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